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Sunday, November 3, 2024

Dear Diary, Tooling Through the Neighborhood Yesterday, Discovering Godsends Everywhere...

Who knew that Sir Loins Inn from the 70s is coming back to North Little Rock on JFK Blvd?? I can easily remember those hunks of buttered loaves of bread that accompanied every meal. And those tasty bite size shrimp, in abundance I might add, that enhanced the serve yourself salad bar. Oh, that cozy dark bar where patrons spent many hours there. And the luscious juicy tender melt in your mouth generous slab of perfectly cooked Prime Rib. And the great service by the servers dressed in their formal tailcoat and boots attire. Humm, I don't remember any women servers. I remember it all as if it were yesterday. There's always been talk of a comeback for this locally loved restaurant, hope this deal goes thru. Maybe Chuck Nosal RIP   who served there loyally for many years has the help of St Martha   Patron Saint of Servers is helping push this along. Godspeed!!

Also, another Godsend to the North Little Rock, Arkansas area is the renovation and rejuvenation of the beautiful Saint Joseph Orphanage.  God sure had a hand in getting this place going again. This old orphanage and farmland established in 1907, was closed down and waiting to be sold by the Diocese of Little Rock in 2008. It was destined to become another perfect eerie setting for a horror movie (see photo below), until the property was taken over with a 50-year lease in 2010 by an independent and thus operating as the St Joseph Center of Arkansas. They have done rather well in the last 14 years as the grounds are hopping with flowers, veggies, beer garden, rental venues, goats, hayrides, and so much more to offer the public. There is even a sweet keeper of the goats, a big shaggy dog named Peaches. Check the website highlighted above for volunteer opportunities and hours of operation information!

Sorry I had not a one cornbread mention today, so here it is and y'all come visit when you can!
Love you, Di


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Miss, Mrs, Ms and I'm Still In the Kitchen

 Hello Y'all! It's sure 'nuff been awhile since we last connected and I have really missed you guys and gals! What have y'all been up to? Hopefully still enjoying a good ole skillet of cornbread, and maybe some home cooked beans with a bit of hog jowl, and a little onion on the side? My mouth is watering, so I guess I had best git some pintos on. Thanks for dropping by and can you relate...

Miss, Mrs., Ms.~I'm Still In The Kitchen 
Love you all, Di
